Welcome to the NATIONAL English Trumpeter Club

Purebred Pigeon Magazine
English Trumpeter Specials

The purpose of the NETC shall be
Promote the breeding and exhibition of the English Trumpeter Pigeon.
To make all colors the best of all exhibition breeds.
To sponsor meets and shows and create proper classifications and offering regular and special premiums.
NETC shall cooperate with all pigeon agencies.

The NETC supports
the National Pigeon Association Grand National and the
National Young Bird Show annually.

It is the intent of the NETC to sponsor any and all English Trumpeter shows and meets providing at least 25 paid entries are shown. Contact us for details.
er (vice president).

The NETC was founded on March 31, 1979 in Clinton Oklahoma by:

Wes Shores - Presidet
Bill Baker - Vice President
Eddie Lujan - Sec/Tres.
Mike Kniffer - Publicity Director

National English Trumpeter Club
Officers 2011 to 2012

President:  Mickey Jackson
V.P.:  Bill Baker and Phil Doddridge
Sec.Treas.:  Royce Perry and Russell Gourley
Publicity Director: Marlo Reishus
"Promoting The Beautiful English Trumpeter"
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